At SafeCare Medicals Limited, we are fully aware of how seriously you regard the privacy of your information, how it is used, and how it is shared. As a result, we are duly committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and we will only use your personal information in line with this privacy policy and the current UK data protection law as it is now in effect. This notice hereby outlines SafeCare Medicals privacy practises and how we intend to uphold the faith you have placed in us by providing your personal data.

This notice describes the types of personal data (information) we will keep about you, how we obtain it, how we may use and disclose that data, as well as how we will utilize it in the application process. In compliance with the data protection law, we are compelled to let you know this information and therefore implore you to read this notice  as well as any other similar notices we may occasionally offer to you when we collect or process personal information about you.

The use of emails and text messages for marketing reasons, as well as any other information collection techniques, are all covered by this policy. It also applies to all websites we operate. It addresses the data we gather and why, the uses we make of the data, the uses we won't make of the data, and your legal rights. Only the personal data we maintain about individuals is covered by this privacy policy. It does not apply to the data we have about businesses and other groups.

Our website will periodically be amended with the most updated version of this privacy policy. We will give you at least a month prior notification before the revised privacy policy goes into effect, unless we are required by law to do otherwise. In addition to emailing you the notice, we may also post it on our website.

The accuracy and timeliness of the personal information we store about you is essential. Hence, kindly notify us if your personal information changes in the course of your engagement with us.

Who We Are

SafeCare Medicals Limited is the subject of this privacy notice, thus whenever we use the words "we," "us," or "our" in this privacy notice, we are referring to SafeCare Medicals, 286 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BW, United Kingdom, that is responsible for processing and handling your data. We are a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation with respect to the personal information that we gather from you and use in the ways that are disclosed in this privacy policy.

SafeCare Medicals Limited, 286 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BW, United Kingdom is a recruitment and outsourcing firm offering  expert staffing services across the United Kingdom healthcare industry.

Data Protection Principles

When collecting and utilizing personal information, we shall strictly abide by the data protection standards and principles outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy.

The type of information we collect

Only the information that we actually need, such as information that will help us enhance our services, will ever be collected.

We may collect and process the following data about you:

Personal information: This includes information about you that you give us by filling out contact forms on our website, or by contacting with us via phone, e-mail, or other means. It includes details you offer when you fill out your contact information on our website; when you notify us about a problem with our website, make an inquiry, complete a survey, submit a question to us or provide us with a feedback; and when you upload your resume/cv to a third-party job board that we have a contract with or apply for a job through a job board, our website, a social media platform or any other application method. Any information that can be used to identify a specific person is therefore referred to as personal data or information. It however excludes information that has had the identity erased (anonymous information). It could consist of:

  • Identity data:includes first name, maiden name, middle name, last name, username or similar identifier, marital status, title, date of birth and gender 
  • Contact data: includes postal address, email address and telephone numbers
  • Profile data: includes your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
  • Transaction data: includes the details of services we have provided or providing to you
  • Technical and Usage data: details of your visits to our site including but not limited to IP addresse (the location of the computer on the internet), your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, pages accessed, files downloaded, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. We can use this information to estimate the number of users, regular visitors, and popularity of our pages. This information is statistical data about the surfing habits and behaviours of our users and does not personally identify any one user. It merely enables us to keep track of and enhance our service.
  • Marketing and Communication data: includes information about your preference for communication with us and our third parties as well as your reference to receiving marketing from us.
  • Special Categories of Personal Data: this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or similar beliefs, sex and sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data, as well as information about criminal convictions and offences.
  • Information regarding your academic and professional qualifications, previous  employment history (including job titles, salary and working hours, details of any conduct, grievance or performance issues, appraisals, time and attendance, from references obtained about you from previous employers and/or education providers),experience, referees and interests.
  • Your nationality and immigration status and information from related documents, such as your passport, driving licence or other identification and immigration information; information relating to your health.

You are required by law and in order to enter into your contract of employment to provide the categories of information provided above to us to enable us to verify your suitability for the employment. In cases where we are required by law or by the terms of a contract we have with you to collect personal data, and you refuse to supply that data when asked, we might not be able to carry out the contract we currently have with you or are attempting to enter into with you. If this occurs, we might have to discontinue a service you have with us, but we will notify you if this is the case at the time.

How we get the personal information

We utilise a variety of techniques to get information from and about you, including:

  • Direct exchanges: By completing/filling forms or contacting us by mail, phone, email, or any other means, you can provide us with your identity, contact information, and financial information. This includes any personal information you volunteer when you create an account on our website; register with us; apply for our services; subscribe to our service or publications among others.
  • Automated methods or procedures: We may automatically gather technical information about your computer, your surfing habits, and other information as you interact with our website. By employing server logs, cookies, and other similar technologies, we gather this personal data. To separate you from other visitors to our site, our website uses cookies. Having this information enables us to make improvements to our website and give you a positive browsing experience. 
  • Third parties or openly accessible sources: This is information we receive about you if you provide your information to us through a third party. In this instance, you will have been made aware of the reason we were collecting your data at the time it was being gathered. Only the purposes for which we collected your data from third parties will be used by us.
Why we collect the information

We normally gather and use this data for the following purposes:

  • to take action to create a contract and/or contractual obligation;
  • for the accomplishment of a task completed in the public interest (public task);
  • owing to the necessity for performing duties or exercising rights under employment law;
  • because doing so is in the considerable public interest (e.g., encouraging or maintaining racial and ethnic diversity at the senior level, preventing or detecting illegal conduct);
  • for the purpose of establishing, exercising, and/or defending any legal claims that may be made by or against us in relation to your recruitment;
  • for the sake of our legitimate interests or those of a relevant third party (such as a benefits provider), but only if these are not outweighed by your interests, rights, or freedoms;
  • to fulfil a responsibility under the law (legal responsibility).

We make an effort to maintain the appropriateness of the information we collect and use. Any modifications to the data we gather or the reasons for why we gather and process it will be communicated to you.

How we use your personal information

Only when the law permits shall we utilise your personal information. Therefore, we will utilise your personal information most frequently in the following instances:

  • Where we must fulfill the obligations of the agreement we intend to or have with you;
  • where we must adhere to a legal or regulatory requirement;
  • Whenever it is required to protect our or third party's legitimate interests, and where your interests and basic rights do not supersede those interests.

Whereas “Legitimate Interests” refers to our company's interests in running and managing our operations and offering you the best services in the safest possible manner. These interests include:

  • to give you information on our goods, career opportunities, services, offers, or technological advancements in cases where you have given your consent to be contacted for such purposes;
  • to make sure that material from our site is displayed to you and your device in the best possible way;
  • to assist us in identifying you when you contact or visit us;
  • to assist us in raising the standard of our services;
  • to support our efforts to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering as well as aid in debt recovery;
  • to communicate with you where you've given your permission to be contacted for purposes of market research, analysis, and gathering opinions about our services;
  • to analyse data and create client profiles.
  • we store your information and our responses to you in the records of your account when you contact us for customer service or other reasons via emails, faxes, phone calls, tweets, etc.

We always make sure to take into account and weigh any potential effects on you and your rights under data protection legislation when we process your personal data for our legitimate business interests.

In cases where we process Special Categories of Personal Data, we will make the following uses of your information:

  • where it is necessary for employment purposes
  • where it's important to safeguard the interests that matter most to you or someone else.
  • where it is in the public interest.
  • in situations where it is necessary for medical or healthcare purposes

In general, we do not use consent as a legal justification for processing your personal data, with the exception of when we send you email or text messages from third parties that are direct marketers. You have the right to contact us at any moment to revoke your consent to marketing.

As such, you have the right to object to our use of personal information when it is merely necessary to further our (or a third party's) legitimate interests, provided that you provide us with clear, situation-specific justifications for doing so. If you object, we will no longer be able to process your information unless we can show that doing so is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, or unless we can show that there are other valid reasons for doing so that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms.

How we may share the information

Some of the aforementioned kinds of personal data may also need to be disclosed to third parties, like professional advisers and HR consultants. Information will often be anonymized; however this may not always be possible. There will be duty of confidentiality placed on the information's recipient. Additionally, we might need to divulge some personal data to authorities or as necessary to abide with the law.

We may disclose your information to any member of SafeCare Medicals Limited for any of the purposes outlined above. Additionally, our service providers and agents who carry out tasks on our behalf, such as hosting our web-based systems and IT management companies, as well as our carefully selected business partners/affiliates, agents, employers who offer services through SafeCare Medicals.

We may also be required by law or regulation to disclose or share your personal data with third parties in connection with ongoing or pending legal proceedings, for the purpose of preventing fraud or loss, or in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of SafeCare Medicals, our clients, or others.

Where information may be held

Information may be held at our offiices, as well as those of third-party organisations (such as service providers, clients, representatives, partners/affiliates, employers and agents).

How long we keep your information

We only store the personal data we collect about you during the hiring process for as long as it's required to fulfill those aims. The nature of the information involved, the objectives for which it is processed, and whether your application is successful and become employed (employment status) will all influence how long we store your information.

We shall retain recruitment information for no longer than is necessary, taking into account the limitation periods for potential claims of racial or sexual discrimination, after which they will be deleted. We may do so if there is a compelling business purpose to maintain recruitment records after the recruitment period has ended, but only after carefully evaluating the possibility of anonymizing the records and the longer retention duration.

Only the recruitment information required for your employment will be kept if/where your application is successful.

Where we store your personal data

All of the information you give us is kept on our secure servers, and we have taken the necessary security precautions to guard against unauthorised access, loss, alteration, or disclosure of your personal information. Additionally, we only allow employees, agents, employers, and other third parties who have a business need to know access to your personal information. They have a confidentiality obligation and will only act in accordance with our instructions while processing your personal data.

We have put in place mechanisms to handle to any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any relevant authorities of such breach where we are legally required to do so.

We demand that all third parties protect the confidentiality of your personal information and to treat it in compliance with the law. Your personal information will only be processed by our third-party service providers for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions and not be used for third party’s own purposes.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.

Your data protection rights

You may have the following rights under data protection law:

  • Your right of access: you have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it. 
  • Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify/correct personal information we hold about you which in your opinion is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete. 
  • Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal information where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to object to processing
  • Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal information about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it
  • Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances or where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
  • Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organization, or to you, in certain circumstances (that is request the transfer of your personal information to another party).

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer in writing at SafeCare Medicals, 286 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BW, United Kingdom or via email: or contact us via telephone at: +447383349380.

Data security

We have security procedures and guidelines in place to manage and record your data privacy preferences accurately, to ensure that your data is maintained securely to guard against loss, misuse, and alterations, and to ensure that it is managed and recorded securely.

We also take steps to verify that any companies with whom we share your data have security processes and policies in place to manage, record, and manage your data privacy and preferences accurately, as well as to ensure that your data is preserved correctly.

Your information will only be kept by us for as long as it's necessary for us to fulfil your requests for services or information, to manage our relationship with you, to comply with legal requirements, or to avoid communicating with people who have asked us not to. When we no longer require information, we will always dispose of it securely.

When you submit a job application to us, we will solely use the data you give us to process the application and track hiring trends. We will never divulge information to a third party without first getting your consent, unless doing so is mandated by law.

We will safely remove and destroy personal data pertaining to unsuccessful candidates.

We will put together a file about your employment after your start of work. This will only be used for purposes directly related to your job and the information in it will be kept safe and secure. The file will be kept until the end of your employment, at which point it will be deleted in compliance with our retention schedule's standards.

Although we will try our best to preserve the security of your information, the transmission of data over the internet is unfortunately not totally secure, thus we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, abuse, or alteration of data won't happen while data is being exchanged or conveyed.

What we may need from you

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Opt-in and opt-out option

At the time your information is submitted, you will be given the option to opt-in or opt-out of having your contact information used as described above whenever the processing of your personal data requires your consent. For instance, when you request service information, you can tell us when you provide your details if you do not want to receive any other information from us or our partners, or you can let us know how best to get in touch with you with information that may be of interest.

You are at liberty to notify us at anytime where you do not want us to use your data as set out above, or to pass your details on to third parties for marketing purposes either by writing to SafeCare Medicals Ltd of 286 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BW, United Kingdom; or emailing us at; or by calling us on +447383349380. Where you opt-out of receiving these marketing messages, this will not apply to personal data provided to us as a result of services we provide to you.

Please be aware that if you opt out of receiving marketing communications from one of our service providers/partners and your information is also held by other service providers, you might still receive information from the other service providers until you let them know that you also want to stop receiving marketing communications from them.


We make use of cookie technology on our website in order to make your visit and experience on our site simple, personalised and meaningful. Cookies are small text files or pieces of information with a unique identifier that a website stores on a visitor’s computer or any similar device used to access the internet e.g smartphone, tablet or other mobile device, which store and sometimes track information about visitor’s use of the website in making user’s experience more efficient.

We make use of cookies to help us identify and track visitors, their usage of our website, and their website access preferences. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

Our site uses different types of cookies. Certain cookies are either set by third parties on our website or set by us using third party’s cookie code. More information about cookies placed by third parties and how to restrict or block their cookies can be accessed by following the link to their website.

Our visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers or similar devices should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using our websites, bearing in mind that this may occasion a drawback that certain features of our websites may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at where a member of the team can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of information. You can also contact the Information Commissioner (ICO) for further information about your rights and how to make a formal complaint as scheduled below:

The ICO’s address:            

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: